It's magic, seven weeks kittens may be the cutest thing there is! So soft and sweet in their body, wooly in their coat, alert eyes and very mischievous! Everything is going great with the babies, they eat well and are so healthy and strong. Nu har vi ofta besök här hemma så att de små ska vänja…
Six weeks and a nice team!
This post is published a little late, the kittens were already six weeks in the weekend that passed. På bilderna på N-kullens sida är de dock nyss fyllda sex veckor. Now the little ones also live in the kitchen, it is so much fun to have them there! Det är så roligt att titta på när de första gången får ett…
Five weeks and playful!
It's going fast now! Oh, how playful they are now – and very curious! As soon as they find something that can be explored, all three of them are there to see what it might be. Small toys with a little sound or with something moving are extra fun! De smaskar högljutt…
Four weeks and super cute!
Right now when I was about to write and tell about the amazing four-weeks babies I discovered that I forgot to write about when they were three weeks old! So here are some of the pictures I was going to post then. Back then they were still in the nesting box but wanted to get out. Nellie som är den som prövar…
The N litter is two weeks!
Last Saturday the little ones were two weeks old. They have opened their eyes and are looking at their surroundings in amazement. If they are awake, they usually eat or sleep… We love them, of course, they are lovely to sit and enjoy! A lot happens every day, de kravlar inte lika mycket längre utan balanserar…