We wish all our kitten buyers and other cat friends nice, restful holidays and a good start of the new year 2025! In the picture, Embla and Nellie are wishing Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Now the R litter has moved!
Oh, how empty it is here now! During the past week, we were first at the vet for an inspection, everything was great with all four :-). Then Rino and Rasmus moved both on the same day, Ronja moved a few days later and today it was Rufus' turn. Rufus thought it was very strange to become…
Thirteen weeks and soon ready to move!
In our kitchen window we have the pot plant Cissus growing around an arch. The other day the kittens were playing in the window (as usual…) and then Ronja poked her head through the Cissus. We just looked at each other and said: get the camera! We got a cute picture! Last week we went to the vet for a second vaccination and…
Twelve weeks and big!
Oh, how they are growing, our little ones! The brothers now weigh around 1 700 grams, Ronja approx 1 500. Those are good weights, they are so lovely to hold! It is also noticeable in other ways that they are big now. They have started to climb up the window frames from the floor and they can easily take one…
Eleven weeks and everywhere!
Then the day came when it was no longer possible to stop the kittens with the gate. We always have a high stool standing by the gate to make it easier for the adult cats to jump over, and this week the kittens managed to get up on the stool. So then it was time to remove the gate…