Oh, how empty it is here now! During the past week, we were first at the vet for an inspection, everything was great with all four :-). Then Rino and Rasmus moved both on the same day, Ronja moved a few days later and today it was Rufus' turn. Rufus found it very strange to be left alone for the last two days, he wanted our company all the time.

Rasmus, Rino, Ronja and Rufus have become such very nice kittens, we have truly enjoyed having them around. It always means some extra work to have kittens, but it is far outweighed by what we get back from them. Now we have to get used to only giving food to Embla, Nellie and Penny – and that we can now have the doors open again without risking a whole bunch of kittens trying to escape.

We already miss the little paws and also the speed in everyday life that comes from kittens, but we are so very happy with their new homes! They will receive lots of love and attention from their new humans. It feels like all four have matched well in personality to their families. We wish our lovely kitten buyers the best of luck and hope you have many happy years together with your new kitty!

We will now castrate Nellie, she has done a fantastic job with her three nice litters and now gets to retire here with us. Next spring or summer we hope that Penny should be able to get kittens here. She is so beautiful and has such a nice temperament, so we look forward to hopefully having a litter or more from her in the years to come.

As the kittens having moved, there will be very few posts here in the blog, but when the next litter comes, it will be activity here again. Now we wish you all a nice summer!