Litters E-H at us at Stensered
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SE* Stensereds E litter
Born on the 18 February 2013
Mother: Tova, CH S*Stoneridge Teach me Tiger, SBI b21
Father: Viggo, CH S*Linéahuset's Apricot Viggo, SBI d21

SE*Stensereds F litter
Born on the 30 of June 2014
Mother: Tova, IC S*Stoneridge Teach me Tiger, SBI b21
Father: YoYo Man, CH S*Husse & Matte’s YoYo Man, SBI n

SE*Stensereds G litter
Born on the 18 st of July 2014
Mother: Ellen, GIC DK*Oddenvejen’s Xs Elle, SBI a
Father: Vallentin, SE*Stensereds Eddy, SBI n21

SE*Stensereds H litter
Born on the 5 st of July 2015
Mother: Embla, SE*Stensereds Embla, SBI h21
Father: Wizard, CH Wizard van Antouch*NL, SBI a