We currently have three cats of the Holy Birman breed. When we're at home, our adult cats have the opportunity to be outdoors during daytime if they want to, and they often do if they think the weather suits. They stay in the garden – lies scouting on a rock or stretch out on the terrace, catches the occasional mouse or rushes up a tree when the spirit strikes.
The kittens are only indoors, except that we usually try to do a photo shoot outdoors if the season and the weather suit.

We have a small breeding of Burmese cats since 2010. Birman is calm, friendly and beautiful with silky, medium coat. We have had Birman cats since 2003 and will continue to enjoy them for long! The most important thing for us is that the cats we have and deliver are calm and confident with a nice temperament.

Nellie , that we currently use for breeding, is social and nice. We aim to mate our females with males with good social qualities. Of course, we are also careful to follow the breed standard for Sacred Birman, to care about the breed's good development. Here you can get a look at the litters we've had so far.

To learn more about Sacred Birman, you can search for information at breeding ring Birmasällskapet, where we are members. We are also members of the cat club Spinneriet which is connected to SVERAK. Sweden's cat clubs Federation, SVERAK, has great information for cat owners and cat lovers.
We are also members of Norwegian Birman friends. In the Christmas issue 2020 of their newspaper Birmaposten, our Embla was selected for the front page with the picture below, of course we were very proud of that:

Below you can click on the cats' names to get to their own page.

SE*Stensereds Embla
Neutered female
Colour Chocolate tortie tabby pointed SBI h21
Born 2013-02-18
Father CH S*Linéahuset's Apricot Viggo, SBI d21 (red tabby pointed)
Mother S*Stoneridge Teach me Tiger, SBI b21 (chocolate tabby pointed)
Breeder Ourselves
Blood type A/A
Litters: H litter J litter L litter M litter N litter
Photos of Embla

SE*Stensereds Nellie
Fertile female
Colour Sealtortie tabby pointed SBI g21
Born 2020-05-09
Father CH Freyr Adoration*RU , SBI a (blue pointed)
Mother SE*Stensereds Embla, SBI h21 (chocolatetortie tabby pointed)
Breeder Ourselves
Blood type A/A
Litters: O litter P litter The R litter
Photos of Nellie

SE*Stensered's Penny
Fertile female
Colour Seal pointed SBI n
Born 2023-05-05
Father (N)Tonefjellet’s Dirty Harry , SBI a21 (Blue tabby point)
Mother SE*StenseredsNellie, SBI f21 (sealtoartie tabby pointed)
Breeder Ourselves
Blood type A(not carrier of blood group B)
Litters: No litters yet
Photos of Penny
Cats who have previously stayed with us
Gulli and Kajsa are both born with us here at Stensered. They are the daughter and granddaughter of Ellen. They were not so fond of that we had kittens here so we understood that they would be better off in another home. They stayed with us until they were almost five and two years old, then they both moved to Christina and Thomas in Lidköping. There they have a great home the but we really miss them here with us! They were our companions, were always where we were.
SE*Stensereds Gulli
Colour Seal pointed SBI n
Born 2014-07-18
SE*Stensereds Kajsa
Colour Chocolate pointed SBI b
Born 2017-07-01
Angels in our hearts
Our first breeding females

GIC DK*Oddenvejens Xs Elle
Blue mask, SBI a
Lived a good life from March 2008 to April 2020
Since 2003 had we had Burmese cats in our family, in June 2009 we felt ready to get our first breeding female. Ellen, who was then a young female of one year, moved to us from Monica and Harry Nielsen at Ellekärr on Orust. It was also from Monica that we had bought our first Birmor Yasmin and Mascot six years earlier. In August 2010 got Ellen his – and spring – first litter, she was an amazing mother to A litter , B litter, D litter and G litter. Ellen was an absolutely wonderful cat, social and kind and she loved being where we were. Preferably outdoors, but anywhere in your lap on the couch! She had a particularly loving bond with our youngest daughter Ida and the two also lived together for periods after Ida moved away from home..

IC S*Stoneridge Teach me Tiger
Chocolate tabby mask, SBI b21
Lived a good life from November 2010 to November 2020
I February 2011 we brought home little Tova, 15 weeks, from Madeleine Högström at S * Stoneridge Birmor in Forshaga, Värmland. As we had longed for her! Tova became our second breeding female, she was a very good mother C litter, E litter and F litter. Tova was so incredibly social, alert and curious. She wanted to be with us all her waking time, loved to be petted and combed. Tova could hear from the other side of the house when we opened the drawer where the comb is, then she came running and jumped up on the bench. She was a very close friend of our eldest daughter Matilda, Tova followed Matilda like a dog when Matilda came home.
I april 2020 we had to make the difficult decision to let Ellen fall asleep because she then suffered from malignant udder tumors. In November of the same year we had to make the same difficult journey with Tova because it was then discovered that she suffered from long-term cancer of the lymph and liver.
Both were very important family members with us, so incredibly friendly cats. It has been a great sorrow for us to lose them. There is a lot in our everyday lives that constantly reminds us of them, we have many good memories to rejoice over.

Neutered female
Colour Brown aguoti
Born 2009, probably around midsummer
Father Unknown
Mother Fine black and white female in the woods
Tessie came to us – wild, scared and small – in August 2009. Suddenly one day she was there outside the house, maybe two months old. Her mother had we seen now and then, too scared to get close. Tessie got food from us and we started surgery. Tessie was really scared of us humans, but we were more cunning than she. She kept all the time outside our house, and we gave her food and water and tried to get close. A few weeks after she came to us, she spun into our arms for the first time and went to the box, but it took several months before we could walk past her but she ran inside and hid under a table or a couch. Eventually she became a safe, cute and popular miss with us. When she was 13 year we had to put her to sleep, we miss her every day.
Our very first Burmese cats
SBI h (S*Sacred’s La Détaché)

SBI c (S*Ellekärrs Kalmia).

None of them are any longer with us.
Yasmin was a wonderful chocolate tortie female, loved to be petted and cuddled with. She was the one who kept track of all of us in the family. In the evening she would preferably be a moment at each person in the family who went to bed, especially the daughters. She also loved the outdoors and to stroll in nature.
Maskot was an absolutely stunning lilac point neuter, calm as a bowl of curds and always so kind. As soon as we took Maskot in our arms, he lost all stability and control of his body – however we held him, he was totally relaxed. And he was really good at lounging on the couch watching:n!

We often think of Yasmin and Maskot and miss them a lot.
SE*Stensereds Charlie, 8 of March 2012 – 4 August 2012

Our wonderful, cute Charlie – everybody's friend, always with us where we were, a fantastic kitten.
Charlie only became five months old because of a bone injury. We had to take the worst of decisions – now he rests with the others in a secluded part of the plot. Charlie was really a pet in the truest sense, a joy to have in the family and so sociable with everyone who came to visit. More pictures of Charlie and his siblings you can watch at C-litter.