How fast time goes when you have small kittens to enjoy! All three are girls and have now got their names: Iris, Irma and Isa. They have opened their eyes almost completely now all three of them and they balance around on their small legs in the nest box. The colours begin to emerge but it is still too early to say anything for certain. Right now, we're guessing on a seal pointed, a chocolate pointed and a lilac pointed – though it can certainly change! We still provide some extra supplement because Gulli's milk is not quite enough, but it's enough with a couple of times a day.
We have tried to take photos of the kittens today, det är inte så lätt men resultatet kan du se på I litter's page. There we will add new photos every week from now until the small ones are ready to move in late July.
While we enjoy Gulli's kittens we also plan to mate Embla when she gets on heat. You can read more about it and about the prospective father of the page of our Plans.
Så fina flickorna är?
Jag ser fram emot att få se dem i verkligheten.
Thanks, Liz! Och ett extra tack till pappa Henning!
Ni är så välkomna så!
Grattis till er och Gulli, vilka söta små tjejer!
Kram Malena
Thanks, Malena!
Du är varmt välkommen förbi och hälsa på!
Kram till dig och moster Alicia!