A lot happen in a week! From crawling around in the nest box, mostly eating and sleeping, our five golden boys are now much more active. Particularly exciting is it with the world outside the nest box! Sometimes they shout loudly to get out of the box when we come into the room. Ännu så länge får…
Category: M litter
Two weeks and very cute!
Oh, how we love having kittens in our home again! Small fluffy babies, eating, sleeping and have begun scouting around the world. We are sorry to tell you that we have lost one of the kittens a week ago… He didn't put on weight and had difficulty breathing, veterinären försökte men kunde inte rädda…
M litter is here!
Oh, how we have been waiting for these kittens, now are they finally here at us on Stensered! Embla became the last days of gestation chubbier and chubbier… In the end, she rocked forward – when she didn't eat or sleep. Last Sunday – on the 26 of May – it was finally time! Embla…
Embla is pregnant!
Now we can finally tell that Embla is pregnant! She is doing fine and seems pleased to have little ones to carry. If everything goes well we expect kittens in late May. You can read more about the upcoming M litter, om pappa S*Storeklevs Julian L och om förväntade maskfärger på…