A lot happen in a week! From crawling around in the nest box, mostly eating and sleeping, our five golden boys are now much more active. Particularly exciting is it with the world outside the nest box! Sometimes they shout loudly to get out of the box when we come into the room.
So far, they may only be outside when we are with them, but it's only a matter of time until they can stroll around on the floor on their own. Nest box is still their safe place, they need no toys yet even though we have seen that they begin to make attempts to play around a bit.
The vast majority of the day they still sleep …
… or eat.
Now the small ones will soon experience their first party – we wish you a happy midsummer!
Three-weeks photos can be found at M litter's page!
Så fantastiskt söta?
Hi Anna!
Ja, visst är de? Det går fort nu 🙂