This week we have taken “the proper photos” outside. The kittens does not get to be out otherwise, but at this age it's fun to take them out and get a little different pictures. You will find them on O litter's page. It really is an adventure for them to get out – and for us to try to get good pictures… Otto behaved quite nicely – except that he was very curious about everything else when we were going to take a group photo and ran away probably ten times to investigate a small pool of water. Olga seemed completely cool and just wanted to sit and look nice – both when we took pictures of just her and at the group photo. We have many attempts at group photos and on all of them she sits like a statue in the middle and the brothers are everywhere… Otis managed the group photography quite well – but was insanely happy when we took his individual photos. Here is a picture of Otis…

Last Friday, everyone was at the vet's and received their first vaccination injection. It went so well, so well. They were completely calm in the car and Otis fell asleep when we were in the room waiting for the vet. Otto, on the other hand, wanted to investigate as much as possible and Olga lay looking around. The vet examined them carefully, felt them through, looked at their teeth and listened to their heart. Everything was great! None of them said a whimper when they got their injection. Afterwards, of course, they were very tired – except Otis who had slept for a long time and now thought everything seemed exciting.

They really love food, the little babies. They are now nine weeks old and weigh around 1 100 to 1 200 grams. When it's time for wet food in the morning and evening, we call on them by saying “ksksksks” – then they come running and throw themselves over the food. Here is a movie that shows such a meal – feel free to turn on the sound…
Today mother Nellie was sleeping in a bowl on the kitchen table. Otto and Otis figured out how to get to the table via the kitchen sofa, and then they managed to suckle from Nellie even though she was lying in the bowl. It looked so fun that we took a picture:

Long hours of the day are spent playing – they have so much fun together! They are quite tough, which is good – they become uncomplaining from it.
Between playtime, they sleep for many hours:

This week's post ends with three cute pictures of Olga: