In this week's blog post we will have photos from the “official shooting”, där finns några goa bilder som kan passa här 🙂 Ofta blir vi glada om vi får en bild där Hugo eller Holger lutar lite gulligt på huvudet – it looks so sweet! Idag vid fotograferingen var det nästan omöjligt att få en…
H litter
Seven weeks and on excursion!
Every time we have a litter we usually take them out for photography once when the weather suits. Now it was Holger's and Hugo's turn to come out into the open! They were certainly not anxious or wary when they came out – it was just fun! So much there was to discover! We have…
Six weeks and mischievous!
They are so incredibly good friends, Holger and Hugo! It is the first time we have only two kittens in the litter, we notice the joy they have at each other. They are together all the time, when one goes on a journey of discovery the other does the same. Even eat and go on the box they do…
Five weeks and lovely!
Holger and Hugo are really two social kittens! They love to hang out with us, but now they have also started to play around really well with each other and with the toys in the room! They have wrestling matches in which they hold each other's head and kick with their hind legs strenuously to defeat the opponent, lucky that they can withstand some hard knocks!…
Four weeks and out of the nest!
Well, Now the nest box is no longer enough… Hugo and Holger run around on the floor in the laundry room which is their home now as they begin to explore the world. So quickly they got used to hearing when we are on the way to them, then they come running (!) and beeps and…