It's magic, what lovely kittens these are! We can sit for so long and just look at them! The entire nesting box with mother and babies has now moved into the laundry room, so now it will be a little better night's sleep for us.
The laundry room is perfect to keep them in now when they will soon start walking around, eat food and practice going to the litter box. They are more mobile now, likes to walk around in the nesting box and at least a couple of times a day we let them out on the floor so they can try what it's like.
Big sister Penny, almost a year old, thought from the beginning that it was very scary with kittens, but now she loves them. She takes such good care of them and can, like us, sit for a long time just looking at them. Mother Nellie is very patient with Penny also wanting to fit in the nesting box sometimes.
The little ones have cautiously started playing with each other too, little wrestling matches that are so far rather soft. It's hard to wrestle when the balance is still a bit off.
Of course, they all still do a lot of sleeping and eating!
This week's fine pictures are not that very fine, it was a little dark when we photographed so they became a little blurry. There were still some pictures, you can find them at R litter's page.