Without a doubt, we are now approaching the time when the kittens will move from us. It means always double feelings for us, we really got to know these wonderful kittens and love them! Meanwhile it is great to share them, we know they will bring a lot of joy in their new homes. So we will turn them over them with love now when it is almost time.
A lot has happened recently, the kittens are now in the whole house with us and they manage the stairs great. They really like to play in the sunroom and in the evenings they jump up to us on the couch and fall asleep in our lap. It really brightens the TV time having the couch full of kittens!
Now that the kittens are in the whole house, we need to be careful when we open the doors. They are very curious about the outside world, and if they are awake they always come to the door when we come home – mostly to say hello!
Similarly, when we get visiters – the small make no difference if it's a family member or if it's someone they have never met before, they love people. We have visiters several times a week, friends and family know that they are always welcome to socialize the kittens. The other day we were visited by some children who enjoyed the jittens as much as the kittens enjoyed them. We are allowed to publish pictures of them – difficult to know if the children or the kittens are the cutest…
Today we have been to the vet for vaccinations, chipping and inspection. Oh, how well it went! The kittens were running around in the examination room and explored the few things that were to discover. The vet had to move carefully around because they all wanted to be right around her feet… All were healthy and fit and getting syringe and chip was the easiest thing in the world.
This week's “nice photos” will be the last of the litter, you can find them at M litter's page. It will probably be more blog post of course!
On Wednesday Milo is moving , then Matti and then Molle. Malte and Milton stay with us until mid-September – nice for us to get used a little slowly! Embla offers some mixed messages to the small, sometimes she wants them to come and suckle, sometimes she hisses at them. That shows that it is soon time to leave home.
Here are some photos from the past week.