Last Sunday Embla got her first litter of kittens! Three small cuties, it seems to be one girl and two boys. Embla is a good mother and takes good care of her small ones. All three are strong and alert and really hungry. We enjoy these small ones who are so eagerly awaited!
When the kittens are about two weeks, the first individual photos of them can be seen here on the site, then, the H-litter will also have their very own page. Here in the blog you will with about weekly intervals be able to read about the litter's life and times here with us at Stensered.
Welcome to join us on their journey!
Stort grattis Embla önskar Albin och Helene!
Tack så mycket Albin och Helene! Vi är så lyckliga för de små!
Så mysiga bilder på sötnosarna.
Ska bli spännande att få träffa dem om några veckor.
Grattis till kullen.
Ni är så välkomna, Liz och Jussi!